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Letter From Mattie March, 24 1891

Nat and Mattie's relationship seems well established in this letter. I am going to look for earlier letters to transcribe and post, but I found this one quite fascinating with the historical and political commentary. Also a mention of the insurance business that led to their humiliation years later.

Colorado Springs, CO

March 24, 1891

Dear Nat,

Your ever welcome letter came last Saturday, but I could not answer sooner. I intended to write yesterday but I had such long hard courses for today that it was after midnight before I got to bed and then it didn't seem if I had them good. We are having very hard algebra lessons I think, and it takes me so long to work all the problems. We are in Simultaneous Equations with unknown quantities we will soon be on to [had the hardest time reading these words] quadratic? and evolution? There will be an examination in Latin tomorrow and tomorrow school closes for a weeks vacation. I am glad of it for I am tired. But, I will have to sew and do other work during most of the time I suspect. I had to wade to school this morning through a foot or more of snow. It was delightful I assure you! Don't you wish you had been along? Well I'd rather wade through two feel of snow than the mud you have. I have seen some mud you say not such a thing been in Missouri. That is our advantage at least, which Kansas has over MO. [why she said this when she was in Colorado I am not sure] We will have enough mud for me when this snow goes off. It is in ???snow we have had and is cry out??

There were more of the boys than girls absent from college this morning and our Professor said he guessed the young men were all invalids since so many were absent. He was making fun of them. I don't like such "hot house plants" myself.

The state orotorical contest was held at Boulder last Friday night and the representation of the college has won second place. He delivered his oration one morning in chapel. It was about Napoleon Bonaparte. Defending him in his case and denouncing his banishment to St. Helena as a terrible wrong. His oration was good and was well delivered. At the close one of the boys made a speech and presented the oration with high silk hat from the (boys?) and a cane from some of the girls. He looked quite distinguished. Why he left the chapel with his (?) hat on his head and flourishing his bamboo cane.

There was an entertainment at the college last Thursday night but I did not go. I didn't want to go alone. They say the entertainment was very good.

I am glad you succeeded in getting a deed for your place and hope it will prove a profitable investment. Am glad to hear your brother got the nomination and have no doubt he will be elected. Have you rented your house in Carlow yet? You said you were sorry I didn't want to live in a house above. Would you want to live above and you could not stand it an hour now could you?

You asked if i couldn't be persuaded by some school teacher to take care of me as long as I live. I think it is the place of the school teacher, whoever he may be, to ask my consent for his protection. Do you know a Missouri school teacher who would like to take the great responsibility of taking care of a little goose like me! Don't you think I'm silly?

[I am tempted to add a winky face here, but there was not such thing then...haha]

I guess Fitches are getting along all right with their Business College. I am going up to their rooms some evening this week. You said you want to see that bountiful(?) tall Fitch. Well I'll tell you now for fear you may be disappointed that he is not at all wonderful I don't think, indeed he is very common.

He is a nice fellow I guess and I like to have fun with him and it amuses me as you may perhaps know. He says he likes to tease me, but I don't tease nearly so easy as he thinks I do. He is always asking about you and makes me a little tired sometimes.

Nell Walter was speaking of you the other day she said she always liked you. I like her and Lou. They are the only girls I am with to amount to anything. I am afraid it will be as you say with Ed, for he doesn't seem to care. I have not seen him lately. I hope he will come to his senses before his case is utterly hopeless. What enjoyment he or anyone else can find in such a life is utterly beyond my comprehension. He was quoting something from Couler(?)

last time I saw him and if that look is what I think it is, he ought to have better sense if he has read it, or if he hasn't he ought to know that much . He is weak headed and easily influenced just like the rest of the family and I guess he inherited if for generations back. Well W. told me that she didn't like Ella for the first time she ever came here. By the way I came very close to forgetting to tell you that Rogers had been bought by a grocery store in town "Brenton & Lane" on Huer Lane, when the "Adle & Green Move Company" used to be. Ed is going to run the store I guess. And it will be about like everything else they try to do. Especially if Ed keeps books. Perhaps he would give you a position as a bookkeeper. I hope you will never board there again or have anything to do with them only to see them occasionally.

I might go out there during the vacation week, but it won't be because I am hankering after a visit with Mrs. C. I just want to go for the fun of it and see what .... [the words wear the paper is creased are so hard to read!]

Ed said they have lots of horses out there and that I could take a horse back ride. I have not had a horse back ride since Alta and I took a ride in the Sand Hills. I suspect Mrs. C will eat me up, like she always does you know and kiss me. Well I wouldn't kiss her, I would feel like saying "Betrayest now me with a kiss?" for she's a Judas.

I am afraid we are going to have a disagreeable vacation. It is still snowing and blowing and is terrible outside. I am going to see Mrs. Apgar one day if I don't get to go anywhere else.

The Gazette Publishing Company has moved in their new building on Pikes Peak Ave. opposite Johnsons Dry Goods store. They had a "house warming" last night and I suppose it was a grand affair. I saw Nell W. this morning and she said she had a good time. But there were quite a number there from Denver and all in full dress. Of course you know what that is. Nell said the women especially looked horrid and I don't doubt it in the least. I would have liked to have been there just to see the different people there. I saw a picture of Senator Palmer of Ill. and quite a glowing description of him, in which it says that both his supporters and opponents think he fairly won the honor. So I guess he didn't bribe the Democrats. If I was to tell W. Johnson what you said he would have a fit. If there was any reason to him I would tell him, but as it is I won't. He is always talking about the Democrats having no principle whatever. You just can't imagine what an intolerant man he is if I was to say that Cleveland got the majority he would say he depended on the slums of large cities for his majority. For all that I saw the other day in The Voice that Republicans in NY are expecting their majority from the slums. As I have heard you say " the Kettle can't call the Pot black" in that case.

I think this is a time of Great Political Strife. Johnson is always saying Democrats are never smart. So the other day I asked him how Henry W. Grady was for a smart man and would you know it, he didn't even know who he was or that such a person even existed. It amused me greatly and I told him that beat anything I had heard lately for ignorance and he'd better not talk about Democrats being ignorant, till he knew a little more himself.

I hope your eye is well by this time (??) you haven't but a couple weeks more of school have you! I know you will be glad when it is out. I hope you will get along well with the Insurance Business. I know it is discouraging as well to not have much outlook for money but be patient and do you best that is all you could. All good efforts are not in vain and yours will not be.

I want to see you so much but will have to wait I suppose. But it is something to look forward to. I will have to close at this time.

Love and kisses, Your Own "Girlie"

If this writing is too fine say so and I will write coarser next time. your eyes are not so strong as mine

[This was written along the side and I say yes please write much coarser but it is too late for me to ask LOL! Goodness, this 6 minute read took 2 hours to transcribe from the fine script.]

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